Pramiracetam Dosage, Benefits and Side Effects | Nootropics

Pramiracetam is one of the most effective and exciting racetam molecules of recent years. We will analyse Pramiracetam dosage, benefits and side effects in this post. Pramiracetam strongly increases choline uptake in the hippocampus (where memories are formed) and the cerebral cortex (where lots of higher neural functions take place). This increased choline supply leads to an increase in the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, leading to increased focus and alertness, enhanced memory formation, and general cognitive performance enhancement. This increased choline to acetylcholine conversion means that Pramiracetam should be stacked with a high-quality choline source (such as Citicoline) to greatly boost its nootropic effects. Pramiracetam is especially effective for enhancing learning, making it an excellent supplement for those studying for tests or exams.


Pramiracetam Benefits

Pramiracetam is derived from Piracetam, and is 30 times more potent. Whilst all racetams need to build up in your system before their effects become noticeable, Pramiracetam shows effects fairly early (within a few days). In some it helps to boost mental energy, giving a light “mental” high, bringing a fluidity of thought that makes problem solving and conversation take much less effort.


Pramiracetam Dosage and Side Effects

Pramiracetam is a very safe supplement to take in the standard dose range of 400-1200 mg per day, though it can have some side effects if not taken properly. If your brain doesn’t have an adequate supply of choline, you can develop headaches whilst using Pramiracetam. Pramiracetam is also fat soluble, so it must be taken with a fat source to ensure it’s delivered to your bloodstream.

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