FAQs - Nootrient

Frequently Asked Questions

For any questions about nootropics, dosages, our products, shipping, or payments, please select the relevant section below. This page should answer almost all questions related to Nootrient, but if there is something else that you need to know that you can’t find below, get in touch via our Contact Page.

Nootrient Product

When should I take Nootrient?

Take two capsules of the same product (X or Y) in the morning after breakfast. Nootrient X and Y should be taken on alternate days – for example, on Monday morning take two X capsules, then on Tuesday morning take two Y capsules.

Always take Nootrient products after a meal and with a source of fat, such as butter, milk, eggs or nuts that are high in fat. This is necessary as some of the ingredients are fat-soluble, which means they need to be consumed with fat in order to be absorbed by the body.

Why are there two products?

We have engineered Nootrient to be taken alternately as two separate doses: one day for X and the next day for Y. There are three reasons for this: to provide a complete Nootropic stack that enhances all key areas of brain functionality, to avoid any tolerance that may build up from consistent consumption, and also to reduce any side effects by replenishing key nutrients.

How long do the effects last?

The effects last between 6 to 8 hours, but the ‘peak’ effects wear off after 4 to 5 hours.

Is there a maximum dosage?

We recommend taking two capsules of the same product (X or Y) at the same time in the morning straight after breakfast – so that’s one dose of two capsules per day. The capsules are pre-blended for optimum dosage and are well within the recommended daily dose when two capsules are taken together. We also advise alternating between taking X capsules on one day and Y capsules the next day.

This is, however, a rule of thumb, where some people may only need to take one capsule a day, while others may need to take three capsules per day. We don’t recommend taking any more than four of either X or Y capsules on any given day.


Are Nootropics recognised as a medicine?

No, Nootropics are not a medicine, as medicines are used to treat or cure diseases, but Nootropics are recognised by the medical community as an independently defined medical category.

Why haven't I heard of Nootropics before?

As Nootropics are not a pharmaceutical substance used to cure a disease or treat a medical issue, there has not been a large amount of media coverage surrounding the subject. Only more recently, when the jobs market has become so competitive and people are looking to find safe ways to perform at their maximum potential, has attention been paid to substances that can enhance already healthy individuals.

Where can I find out more about Nootropics?

Before putting anything into your body, we recommend doing your due diligence and doing the adequate research into the effects of the different substances. A good place to start is the Nootriment website, which provides good information, supported by scientific research, for a wide range of different Nootropic substances.

Are there any side effects with Nootropics?

If you dramatically consume above the recommended dosage you may experience an upset stomach or slight irritability in your mood. To prevent this, ensure you do not exceed four capsules in one day.

Payments and Shipping

What forms of payment do you accept?

Payment can be made by debit or credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or through PayPal.

If I subscribe, when can I cancel?

You can cancel at any time after three months from when you placed your first order. Cancelling subscriptions can take up to 24 hours to process.

What are the shipping costs?

Nothing, it’s free!

Do you ship internationally, or just within the UK?

We are a UK company that currently only ship to UK addresses, although we are working on providing international shipping.