Noopept Dosage, Benefits and Side Effects | Nootropics

Noopept is an amazing nootropic that has recently surfaced as one of the top alternatives to Racetams. We will analyse Noopept dosage, benefits and side effects in this post. Whilst not technically a Racetam molecule, Noopept works in a similar way but it is 1,000 times stronger. This is because Noopept’s unique structure makes it much more bioavailable than conventional Racetams.

Noopept stimulates receptors that are responsible for turning choline into acetylcholine, as well as activating serotonin and dopamine receptors. Noopept also modulates AMPA receptors, boosting signalling speed across synapses and giving the supplement a stimulatory effect. This all increases overall brain power, boosts memory formation and recall, and can reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. Noopept also increases concentrations of neuron growth factor in the brain, increasing your brain’s neuroplasticity, as well as offering significant neuroprotective effects.


Noopept Benefits

Noopept has some of the widest ranging benefits of any nootropic. It increases acetylcholine levels in the brain, making it work like a Racetam. It boosts mood by stimulating serotonin receptors. It boosts focus by stimulating dopamine receptors. It increases energy by stimulating AMPA receptors, and increasing glutamate concentrations in the brain. It acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect the brain. It leads to increased production of the proteins; Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) and Brain Derived Neutrophic Factor (BDNF), both of which are used for the growth of new neurons. This increase in NGF and BDNF leads to more neuroplasticity, allowing your brain to more easily learn new information long term. Noopept also appears to facilitate increase communication between brain hemispheres, improving social skills and abstract reasoning.


Noopept Dosage and Side Effects

Like Racetams, Noopept is a very safe supplement to take in the normal dosage range of 10-60 mg per day, with it’s only widely reported side effect to be headaches if the user isn’t supplying their brain with sufficient Choline.

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