L Theanine Dosage, Benefits and Side Effects | Nootropics

L Theanine is an amino acid that naturally occurs in green tea. L Theanine dosage, benefits and side effects will be analysed in this post. It’s been extensively studied since its isolation in 1949. It’s an excellent beginner nootropic, promoting relaxation, alertness and focus. One of the most exciting features of L Theanine is its synergistic interaction with caffeine, as it removes most if not all of the negative effects associated with caffeine.

L Theanine is closely related to glutamine and glutamate and is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. It helps to increase brain wave activity associated with a relaxed but focused state.


L Theanine Benefits

L Theanine’s benefits include; feelings of well-being, relaxation and peacefulness, blunting of caffeine’s negative side-effects such as anxiety, shakes and restlessness. It’s been shown provide a high alertness and focus whilst giving a feeling of calm. This productive feeling is helpful to reduce stress and increase motivation. L Theanine promotes the production of nitric oxide which helps to open blood vessels, increasing cardiovascular health. Theanine helps to prevent over-stimulation of neuron cells and protects them from oxidative stress. It may also promote new nerve growth.

L Theanine leads to higher levels of Dopamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter associated with the reward system of the brain, focus, pleasure and excitement.


L Theanine Dosage and Side Effects

L Theanine is a very safe supplement when taken in the recommended dosage range of 50-400mg per day. It is recommended to try L Theanine by itself when you first try it. This allows you to understand its effects alone, before moving to combine it with caffeine like many do. L Theanine has been shown in numerous studies to had little to no side effects. Some user may experience some stomach discomfort, but this is often when taken at very high doses along with coffee.

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