Huperzine A Dosage, Benefits and Side Effects | Nootropics

Huperzine A is an exciting new nootropic compound extracted from Chinese club moss. Huperzine A dosage, benefits and side effects are all analysed. It’s an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, which is the “learning neurotransmitter”, levels of which are deeply related to memory recall and formation. By inhibiting these enzymes, acetylcholine levels in the brain increase. This increase is associated with; improving memory and learning, helping fight age-related memory loss, stimulating new neuron growth in the Hippocampus, improving lucid dreaming, neuroprotective effects.

This type of inhibitor isn’t new. Galantamine, a prescription drug, works in a similar way, inhibiting enzymes that break down acetylcholine and thus elevating its levels. Huperzine-A offers a way to cheaply access this effect without the need for a prescription.

Huperzine A Benefits

Huperzine A has been shown to improve memory function in healthy individuals. It’s even more impressive for those suffering from memory problems, especially for combatting memory loss related to diseases like Alzheimer’s. Whilst studies are still running on this relatively new supplement, the initial results are impressive.

Huperzine A Dosage

Huperzine A is fascinating in part because it’s active at very low doses. It is dosed daily in the range of 50-200 micrograms! It’s water-soluble and doesn’t need to be consumed with food. Huperzine-A is usually consumed once or twice per day at these levels. It’s not recommended to take more than 400 micrograms per day as this is associated with a higher risk of (mild) side effects.

Huperzine A Side Effects

Side effects can include diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, blurred vision, sweating, restlessness. These are more likely at doses above 400 mcg per day. Whilst there aren’t enough long-term studies to establish the safety of Huperzine A long term, it appears from initial results that it is very safe like other acetylcholinesterase inhibitors that are already on the market.

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